Welcome to the Visual Computing Lab (VCL) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. We are a part of Department of Computational and Data Sciences (CDS). The group was established in June 2017 with Anirban Chakraborty as the convenor.
In Visual Computing Lab, we are interested in developing novel computer vision and machine learning algorithms to solve visual analytics problems arising from diverse real-world applications. Majority of our ongoing research projects can be categorized into one of the following three areas
1 July 2024:
Aditay’s work on efficient self-supervised learning is accepted in ECCV’24. Congratulations!
17 June 2024:
We are presenting our works on ‘Data-free defense of black box models’ and ‘Sketch-guided image inpainting’ in CVPR’24 Workshops.
15 April 2024:
Gaurav has joined IIT Roorkee as an Assistant Professor. All the best Gaurav!
2 November 2023:
Our research article accepted in T-NNLS. Congratulations Gaurav, Ruchit and Inder!