1 July 2024: Aditay’s work on efficient self-supervised learning is accepted in ECCV’24. Congratulations!
17 June 2024: We are presenting our works on ‘Data-free defense of black box models’ and ‘Sketch-guided image inpainting’ in CVPR’24 Workshops.
15 April 2024: Gaurav has joined IIT Roorkee as an Assistant Professor. All the best Gaurav!
2 November 2023: Our research article accepted in T-NNLS. Congratulations Gaurav, Ruchit and Inder!
24 October 2023: Two papers accepted in WACV 2024. Congratulations Aditay, Yashwanth, Gaurav, Harsh, Arya!
9 May 2023: Gaurav has successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations Dr. Nayak!
11 March 2023: The CAFT++ paper has been accepted in IJCV. Congratulations Vikash, Himanshu and Rohit!
28 February 2023: Aditay has a paper accepted in CVPR’23. Congratulations!
25 October 2022: Congratulations to Yashwanth M. for being awarded the prestigious Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF).
11 October 2022: 3 papers accepted in WACV 2023! Congratulations Gaurav, Ruchit, Vikash, Rohit, Himanshu, Aditay and Anand (IIT-J).
20 April 2022: Congrats Gaurav, Ruchit, Rohit, Himanshu for paper in HCIS (CVPR Workshop).
14 April 2022: Congrats Chaitra for bagging best presentation award at EECS Symposium 2022, IISc.
3 March 2022: Paper accepted in CVPR 2022! Congratulations to Siddharth and all collaborators from VAL, IISc.
14 October 2021: Congrats Gaurav and Ruchit for Paper in WACV 2022.
15 October 2021: Congrats Chaitra and Ruchit for Paper in BMVC 2021.
29 September 2021: Paper accepted at NeurIPS 2021 in collaboration with VAL (IISc) members, congratulations Siddharth!
17 August 2021: Congrats Vikash, Rohit for paper in TradiCV ICCV Workshop.
June 2020: Congratulations Prof. Anirban Chakraborty on receiving an Outstanding Reviewer award at CVPR 2020!
February 2020: Siddharth Seth has 1 paper accepted at CVPR 2020. Congratulations Siddharth!
December 2019: Siddharth Seth has received Microsoft and Pratiksha Trust travel grants for presenting his work at AAAI 2020
November 2019: 2 papers accepted at AAAI 2020. Congratulations Gaurav and Siddharth!
September 2019: 1 paper accepted at WACV 2020. Congratulations Surbhi!